My First CLI Project at Flatiron School

Julie Garcia
2 min readDec 13, 2020


Exciting, isn’t it? The first project you build yourself to show what you have learned and what your visions are. I finally feel that I have fully accomplished the first goal I had since I started at Flatiron School. And there are many more I am so excited to build and share with everyone.

“Who doesn’t love food?” I thought as the holiday season got closer. “What can I build that will be truly useful and interesting to people? What’s people’s favorite part of a meal? Dessert!” And from here, Delicious Holiday Desserts was born. An app that allows you to search delicious recipes you can cook up for the holiday and impress friends and family. It allows you to search the recipes in a list, view cooking time, servings, and much more! In the app, it pulls those recipes from an API with tons of recipes! It allows you to request more information and takes you directly to the website with visuals and in-depth recipe and nutritional info! My favorite part of it all is the clickable link I was able to add in! It makes the app so much more interactive and fun for the user.

Of course it being my first project, it came with some challenges and tricks. This project was probably both the most fun and most challenging thing I have done this year! My biggest lesson since starting at Flatiron is that logical thinking is crucial! I can safely say that I have never been more challenged as I have since I started programming. And I love it! This is such an exciting career that I am completely committed to and so excited to see what is next in the future!

